Meet Karen
Describe your relationship with Copenhagen?
I came to Denmark at the age of 15 to go to school, and the plan for me was to return to Africa, but that is not how it ended out. I have now lived 30 years in Copenhagen – mainly on Vesterbro and Islandsbrygge. If I were to be a Copenhagen tour guide for a day, I would invite people on a trip to the Nokken, which is located in the northwestern part of Amager. It is a green grass area with small allotment huts where you can find berries and plums in the summer. It’s kind of a hippie style and cozy.
Describe your style?
I would call my style “Scandinavian-Afro.” I love colors and beautiful patterns. I started designing clothes because I missed African fabrics but needed them to fit into the Scandinavian style. The kind of style you wear in Denmark just in strong and beautiful colors and patterns – without looking silly. My clothes are produced in Ghana, and thereby I help create jobs and improve the living conditions for a number of people. It’s not much, but it’s a start!
Where can we buy your clothes?
You can buy my fashion design at my new online shop, but it is also sold in Nansensgade No. 42 in Copenhagen and the Made in Congo stores and My Fair Shop, also here in Copenhagen.
Name one thing you love?
It may be the classic and somewhat boring answer – but, I love my daughter! She has just been to the dentist and behaved so well!
What is your passion?
In addition to being a spokesperson for Plan Denmark and Care Denmark, I work to bridge my African and Danish background. A young person in Ghana have the same dreams as a young man in Copenhagen; we are not that different. We have the same dreams but maybe not the same opportunities. And I would like to create even more jobs in Africa through my clothing production.
Any New Projects at Hand?
A lot is happening in my clothing production and my new online shop, but I also have new music projects as a songwriter for a new young and talented artist – Felicia Baby, in collaboration with Okay Funky. It’s really exciting, and I think it’s nice to be part of a project where I’m not going to be the front figure. I’m just fine with that.
Follow beautiful Karen Mukupa here
Shop Mukupa Orijinal here